Do you know why so many people came out against the Vietnam war? It is because people seen the bodies of the dead servicemen on the television every night. That was the 1960s. So why in the year 2003 are we not seening the real war in Iraq? Every night the news will report on statistics about our servicemen being killed. Why dont they show the pictures? Are they trying to shield the families from seeing their loved ones dead? BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!! It is because the BUsh administration wont l...
I cant believe how much self pity I have today. My daugther seen a picture in the paper of a beautiful little dog and begged to get him. I must admit I really thought he was cute. Even though times are tough I called about him. Hey he could eat table scrapes. Guess what? They wanted a $50.00 adoption fee. Well if that didnt bite me in the ass. I would have taken him but who has $50.00 extra dollars. I just took a bunch of stuff to the pawn shop just to pay for the phone bill. Damn bein...
How can Bush send Billions of dollars to Iraq when people here are below the poverty level? I drive a 20 year old car and I live paycheck to paycheck. Now christmas is coming. I keep hear on the commercial that it is the "the most wonderful time of the year" For who? Not for me and my family. This has alway been a problem with being a single mom. Christmas rollls around and there is no money to buy anything. I have actually considered being a prositute just to get some extra money. Yeah...