Do you know why so many people came out against the Vietnam war? It is because people seen the bodies of the dead servicemen on the television every night. That was the 1960s. So why in the year 2003 are we not seening the real war in Iraq? Every night the news will report on statistics about our servicemen being killed. Why dont they show the pictures? Are they trying to shield the families from seeing their loved ones dead? BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!! It is because the BUsh administration wont let you see what is really happening. If the news channels grew a pair of balls you would see the violence and horror of war. Not bombs landing from the AIR. The news media is too scared of the Presidency to show you what is really happening. They dont want to get kicked out of Iraq. So now people think the war is over and everything is fine. Wake up America. It is not over and our people are being murdered. But dont worry BUsh will make sure that we give them 87 BIllion dollars so they can buy more weapons and kill more Americans.
on Nov 30, 2003
Do you want your children watching mangled bodies every night? If your husband or father was over there, do you think you would want to see your husband will a bullet in his head, lying dead on the sand before you were even told he was dead?

War is a brutal thing and I am thankful that they are people more couragous than me that leave their loved ones to willingly PLACE THEMSELVES IN HARMS WAY so that we may continue to enjoy our freedoms. They might die, they might have to kill someone. Can you imagine how horrible that would be? But, if not for them, who knows where we would be. We don't show the dead every day out of the respect for them and their comrades.
on Nov 30, 2003
I happily live the military life. It's a good life, and I wouldn't change it for the world.

If I lost my husband to the war, or any other family member or friend- I, personally, would rather hear it from his commander- not some pushy tv crew who got it "hot off the press" and wants a raw reaction. I've seen them do it too many times, they're mean and hateful and when you've lost someone you love like that- you don't need the added stress. America is desensitized enough from violent movies, we don't need to add to that by invading the privacy of military members who have already paid more than enough for this stupid war.
on Nov 30, 2003
Amen to that, if my husband were sent over, and I saw him on tv before hearing it, I think I would lose my mind. I couldn't handle something like that at all.
on Nov 30, 2003
60,000 Americans died in Vietnam. A few hundred American VOLUNTEER soldiers have died in Iraq.

Vietnam: draftees forced into combat on a policy few people understood.

Iraq: Volunteers fighting a policy that is clearly understood.

Vietnam: Fighting to maintain a corrupt dictatorship versus an enemy that had been fighting colonial powers for independence.

Iraq: Fighting to free Iraqi's from a dictator so brutal that he buried thousands of children alive during his reign of terror.

Vietnam: Thousands of casaulties per month with little result

Iraq: Hundreds of casualties total with the entire country liberated.

I think a better comparison would be Iraq and World War II. The first overseas invasion was of North Africa.
on Nov 30, 2003
I remember watching TV every evening during the 60s & 70s seeing dead serviceman. You have no idea what you are asking for. Your generation, I believe, wouldn't be able to handle it if, indeed, you could actually see the horror. There are a million reasons for this war and a million reasons not to have this war. But a steady diet of dead military coming to us on TV over a period of years isn't good for anyone. Talk with someone say, age 50 or older. Get a different, first-hand perspective on this war deal. I've never forgotten the impact of TV had on me...believe me, you don't want it!
on Nov 30, 2003
I don't need to see bodies on TV to know that war is hell. It wouldn't change my mind though. I think you are wrong about the reason people protested Vietnam. It wasn't becasue they saw dead soldiers on TV. It was because they didn't believe in the reason for putting the soldiers there in the first place.
on Dec 02, 2003
if you want the real stuff, go there and see it. i dont want my little 3 year old sister watching people get shot or blown up on tv, if i wanted that, we would have cable. lol. no but seriously, we have to filter what we display.
on Dec 02, 2003
if you want the real stuff, go there and see it. i dont want my little 3 year old sister watching people get shot or blown up on tv, if i wanted that, we would have cable. lol. no but seriously, we have to filter what we display.