Why the puppy at the pound is going to be put to death
Published on November 30, 2003 By tylorcst In Pets & Nature
I cant believe how much self pity I have today. My daugther seen a picture in the paper of a beautiful little dog and begged to get him. I must admit I really thought he was cute. Even though times are tough I called about him. Hey he could eat table scrapes. Guess what? They wanted a $50.00 adoption fee. Well if that didnt bite me in the ass. I would have taken him but who has $50.00 extra dollars. I just took a bunch of stuff to the pawn shop just to pay for the phone bill. Damn being poor sucks!!!!!!!!! He would have been a good Christmas present. I know what you are thinking. How can I justify buying a dog when we dont have any money? Well he could eat out of some dishes I have, dog food isnt that expensive and the only thing I would have to worry about it a do leash. See I thought about it, then I thought about the adoption fee. It is no wonder these dogs are put to death. Who can afford them? Christmas SUCKS
on Nov 30, 2003
See if your town has an SPCA. Most of the time they will give you one for free or for very little cost.


Always look on the bright side of life!
on Nov 30, 2003
Oh come now, no wonder you're poor. If you find yourself spending money on everything that you can get for free then you'll spend what money you have on unnecessary things.

I've had many dogs over the years and I've never spent a penny buying them.

But if you're really "poor" then you probably shouldn't be getting a dog. Some children ask for ponies too. Children ask for all kinds of things that aren't realy affordable.

Christmas isn't about spending money. It's about appreciating the love and joy of life with each other. And on a more practical matter, it's the thought that counts. Not the money spent. The best gifts often cost nothing at all.
on Nov 30, 2003
Kids love making stuff. Try making garland out of loops of constuction paper or popcorn. I used to love that! Even if you can get a dog for free, there are many unexpected costs that can occur. It is probably best you don't get one. What about shots, illnesses that require medicine, etc? A puppy is a lot like having another baby.

I agree that Christmas shouldn't be about spending money. Concentrate on making traditions that don't cost anything. Make ornaments, cook with each other, sing carols, and marvel at the Christmas lights around your neighborhood. Try to be thankful for what you have and hope for better things to come.

Best wishes.
on Dec 02, 2003
yeah, i want a dog too! but i dont wanna pay. i want alot of things but i dont have enough money, thats life, you want something, you haveto work for it. but yeah, like draginol said, look on the bright side, at least you have a daughter, tryr to look on the bright side and have a good time on christmas. oh, and byr the way, how do i submit news here????????