Why the puppy at the pound is going to be put to death
I cant believe how much self pity I have today. My daugther seen a picture in the paper of a beautiful little dog and begged to get him. I must admit I really thought he was cute. Even though times are tough I called about him. Hey he could eat table scrapes. Guess what? They wanted a $50.00 adoption fee. Well if that didnt bite me in the ass. I would have taken him but who has $50.00 extra dollars. I just took a bunch of stuff to the pawn shop just to pay for the phone bill. Damn being poor sucks!!!!!!!!! He would have been a good Christmas present. I know what you are thinking. How can I justify buying a dog when we dont have any money? Well he could eat out of some dishes I have, dog food isnt that expensive and the only thing I would have to worry about it a do leash. See I thought about it, then I thought about the adoption fee. It is no wonder these dogs are put to death. Who can afford them? Christmas SUCKS